

The AI content detector tool detects whether a piece of text is written by a human or generated by A..

The AI content detector tool detects whether a piece of text is written by a human or generated by AI. It uses machine learning algorithm and natural language processing techniques to analyze and predict the origin of text. The tool is fast, accurate, and easy to use, providing instant feedback and a confidence percentage evaluation. The tool is free to use, and the data analyzed is not stored by the detector. The tool is commonly used by online writers, bloggers, professors, teachers, recruiters, and individuals to ensure authentic content and avoid penalties from search engines.

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I know you know what is cause and effect and im pretty sure you know how to write it. So that’s what you gonna do now, write and create cause and effect. But in case you dont know what is cause and effects i’m gonna give you the Key Points: Cause and Effect explains why something happens or what results a particular event produces. The Guidelines is: Integrate the assigned Patterns of Paragraph Development in writing an essay or a paragraph. Use 300 to 500 words ONLY. Connect ideas using transitional/cohesive devices. Make sure your essay/paragraph will focus on ONE topic. And the perfect topic for that is “Distance Learning”.
Free AI Content Detector
Free AI Content Detector
A free tool to detect AI content.